How do I report a complaint against MTFE to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre?


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Subject: Complaint Against Unauthorized Transactions by Metaverse Foreign Exchange Group INC

Dear  Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre and Fintrac-Canada,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to submit a formal complaint regarding unauthorized transactions conducted by Metaverse Foreign Exchange Group Inc on my trading account. I believe that these unauthorized transactions have resulted in a significant negative balance in my account.

My account details with Metaverse Foreign Exchange Group Inc are as follows:

– Account Holder’s Name: Your Name As Per MTFE Account

– Account Number: Your Promote Code (login id – Email ID or Mobile Number)

– Date of Unauthorized Transactions: 17th August 2023 (Not Able to log in at 6:30 to 8:30 Indian Time)

I Could Not turn off The Trading Before the next morning 1 AM.

I would like to bring to your attention the following details regarding the unauthorized transactions:

1. *Unauthorized Transactions*: On the aforementioned dates, a series of transactions were conducted in my trading account without my consent or authorization. These transactions have led to a substantial negative balance in my account, which I am unable to explain or understand.

2. *Communication with Metaverse Foreign Exchange Group Inc*: I immediately tried to contact Metaverse Foreign Exchange Group Inc’s customer support to inquire about the unauthorized transactions and to seek assistance in resolving the issue. However, no one responded, and I was unable to obtain a no explanation for the transactions.

3. *Evidence*: I have gathered evidence that includes account statements, transaction records, and communication logs with Metaverse Foreign Exchange Group Inc. This evidence supports my claim that I did not initiate or authorize the transactions in question.

4. *Regulatory Concerns*: I am concerned that these unauthorized transactions may be in violation of regulatory standards, including the requirement to protect clients from negative balances. I seek your intervention and guidance in addressing this matter.

I kindly request that ASIC investigate this issue and take appropriate action against Metaverse Foreign Exchange Group Inc if it is found that they have engaged in unauthorized transactions and have failed to provide adequate protection to their clients’ trading accounts.

I am attaching the relevant evidence to this email for your reference. I am open to providing any additional information or documentation that may be required for a thorough investigation.

I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to a prompt response. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information or clarification.

Note: I am not only a single victim. Almost 90% plus traders are facing this issue, and we just sent you an email regarding this when we came to know about legal threats by Metaverse Foreign Exchange Group Inc for us.

Thank you for your assistance in addressing this issue.


You Name

Attachments: Include copies of account statements, transaction records, and communication logs

1. 1st My Last Correct Account Balance

2. 2nd My Balance After Unauthorized Trading

3. 3rd Showing Negative Losses after Unauthorize trading

4. 4th Sample Of Authorized Trading Profit Loss

5. Proof Of We Can Not log in but The Trading Is Getting On Without Our Permission

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