How To Create an Account In NEXABLOCK Start to Earn Money


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Hello, my friends, I hope you are good. I am returning with a helpful article on Nexablock’s new registration process to start your earnings worldwide.

As we know you need a referral link to join Nexablock. But without having proper guidance you may be confused or could not register your account.

Step One: Choose Your Cold Wallet between Metamask or Ancrypto

In this step, you have to choose the Metamask wallet or crypto wallet. You can download the app for all devices. There are several ways and slightly different charges. As an extension, you could use Metamask with Google Chrome on your PC, and Kiwi Browser from your Android phone. I would suggest Metamsk but you may go for as you wish. You can use it by importing the same security process in both applications when you create your wallet and receive a recovery phrase. You Need to install the app and follow the next step after installation.

Step Two: Buy NEXB and NCO From Galaxial Exchange

In this second step, as per the Income Plan Of NEXABLOCK, you need to have NEXB Coins (Nexablock Netive Coins), and a Minimum of 100 NCO (Nexablock Netive Tokens). You can buy it from Galaxial Exchange.

You can deposit USDT (Minimum 10 USDT BSC/BEP20). You could buy a Maximum of 10 NEXB in 24 hours, and a minimum of 1000 NCO tokens at a time. The price is not stable as you know.

Step Three: Copy the Nexablock Referral Link

After having NEXB and a Minimum of 100 NCO tokens in your wallet you have to copy this referral link, you can use this to create your wallet and receive free 1000 NCO tokens.

How To Buy NCO Tokens

Do not open this link directly unless you have a browser metamask extension to register your account. You need to copy the link and put it in your app browser to go ahead. Now click on Connect Wallet from the right top side of the page.

From the above image, the fourth option from the bottom side of the page is the browser in Metamask.

In the above image, you can see the marked browser option in Ancrypto wallet.

Now Click the browser mode button on which app you are using.

From the above image, you can get an idea of the pest through the referral link. The upper side of the above image shows you Metamask and the downside of the image shows you the Ancrypto application.

Now enter and a new page comes as the above page is showing you.

Step Five: Start Nexablock Account Creation

As you see in the above image, a connect wallet option from the top right corner. You need to click on it.

As per the above image, a page comes which asks for your correct app. You have to click metamask if you are using metamask application to register your Nexablock account. Or you may click Ancrypto if you are using the Ancrypto application.

Now You will see a new popup page to connect with your wallet. You have to click on the connect button to register with your wallet.

As per new rules, registration is complete but you can not get free tokens or use your referral links to refer someone. So, you need to stake your 100 NCO tokens.

Remember you should have a minimum of 0.12 NEXB and 100 NCO tokens in your wallet. Then You have to stake 100 NCOs.
You need to enter 100 before the NEXACORE and click on confirm payment.
Two times you will be charged two different times with different valuations. 1st Charge will process your wallet registration and 2nd one is for your staking.

NCO Contract Address: 0xfbA3dE111D2C7EC12499c1C0c959A8be4e4F0afC

Now a new payment popup is gone after completing your payments. You have to scroll down and see this type of page comes. This shows you the total staking amount is 1100 NCO tokens/ 1.10k. You can see a similar page to the above page. Where your referral link would be a different one. and You successfully received more than 1000 NCOs as staked. This will give you a return of 2.5 times in 357 days without having team by daily claiming income.

Remember you will lose your income if you do not claim every day. This is a crypto plan, so you should buy a minimum of 1 NEXB to start, but later you can buy more. I would suggest building a team to earn unlimited and fulfil your dream.

Disclaimer: Cryptocurrency is a risky matter, be careful when you invest or give details. Monetary profit or loss can happen, so you have to take care of your valuable money before investing anywhere. We do not support any kind of fraudulent activity and we do not guarantee any kind of monetary expenses or investment.

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