How To Swap YesWorld Token in YesToken Wallet?


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Login In Your Yes World Account.

Click On Swap Icon on the second option out of 4 options.

Now Enter the amount of USD that you need to withdraw. Check the number of tokens you will get. The charge is 5.5 tokens per swap. Click on ‘I’m not a robot’.
Click on the Check box as Yes, I Confirmed That I Have Completed Avbove Task.
Finally, Click on the page’s Swap Token bottom (In Blue Bar).

An OTP comes into your mailbox. Check and enter as you see in the ‘Enter OTP’ Section. Now Click Submit (Blue Bar) button at the bottom of the page.

Collect OTP From Mail ID

Now you have unsuccessfully done your job to swap tokens. As you see the following page with all details about swap tokens. It Will be Credited to your XT.COM or your given BEP20 YES WORLD TOKEN address within a few minutes.

After a few minutes, you may check your wallet as I am showing you as follows. You swapped the token already credited to your given BEP20 YesWotken address.


Make Sure before the swap, that you have entered the correct BEP20 YesToken Address. It may be from a different exchange or wallet.
You won’t get your swapped token if you don’t have entered the correct wallet address.

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