SpacAd 17th October 2023 Updates: Regarding Income and Withdrawal


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SpacAd is an international advertising platfrom that provide an opportunity to make money online by watching advertisement. The company is in beta testing mode till December, so lots of work is going on. Now everyone needs all current and latest updates from the company to earn money in a proper way.

All Updates Regarding SpacAd Withdraw:

You will know that you are on the white list only when your blue tick withdrawal is active. If not, wait. One by one, everyone’s blue withdrawal will come. But a minimum of $50 is required to withdraw. Having KYC is mandatory.

All Updates Regarding SpacAd KYC:

Whenever the KYC starts, those who are pending or rejected will get the opportunity to do KYC if they have a minimum income balance of $10 from viewing ads.

All Updates Regarding Income:

No one’s income has been added since this month. When the company’s system is updated, your income will be added to our account.

All Updates Regarding Advertisement:

5:30 PM to 7:30 PM Indian Time

Bangladesh time from 6 pm to 8 pm

You will see ads at this time. If you see ads outside of this, you will be in trouble.

Do not collect any coins while viewing ads. Otherwise, you will face problems.

Stay active while watching ads, and move around the rocket.

All these methods are being adopted to prevent robot abusers.

All Updates Regarding SpacAd Disadvantages:

Those facing problems with internet service and weak devices will have to wait. Until Space Add’s own app is coming.


The company is in beta testing mode until December. However, companies are providing services to us for free. Keep all updates in mind. You have to work honestly and be patient. No one is forced or will be. Everyone can make their own decisions independently.

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