Zhaka.io New Update, It Will Help To Change Personal Information


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Hello my friend, hope you are good. Today I am here with new update of Zhaka.io (Zhaka Token Website). As you can see in the above image you will find ‘My Settings’ which is just added yesterday.

It is a ultimate sollution for all of those who made mistake to enter self details during registration. After so many request and email Zhaka support team promice to fix this issue as soon as possible. Now it is done, and people can change their personal details from this option. Not only first name and last can be change from this section. Another thing is the password. Yes, now we can change our zhaka.io password from this option.

How To Change Zhaka.io Personal Infomation?

  1. Just open your browser, and enter Zhaka.io in the url space or search on google by zhaka login.
  2. Now you have to click on login option from the menu.

Now Type your registered Mail ID and password for login. Then Click ‘sumit’ button.


As the above picture comes you can notice menu. Click on the ‘My Settings’ option. From Mobile you can slaso click on ‘My Settings’ from menu.


Now the page comes with your personal info. Just click and edit your first name and enter correct name if you requied. If you have middle name like ‘Syama Prasad Sen’ then You Have to enter ‘Syama Prasad’ in the first name section thenenter your title or the last name in the Last Name section.


Now just click save option as I have marked on the above picture.

These are the 6 steps you have to follow. Then you can done your work to change your name or personal info in Zhaka.io if you have made mistake then rechage it.

How to Change Password in Zhaka.io?

Now the second important work we can done from there. Which is change the password.

As you can see in the above picture, then you can figure out what is the process.

Yes just easy at is.

  1. You have to enter the ‘My Settings’ option.2.
  2. You have to enter your login password under the ‘Change password’ section.
  3. After entering previous password, now you have to enter a strong new password you want to set it as a login password under the ‘New Password’ section.
  4. Now enter you new password again under the ‘Confirm Password’ section.

Here is all you need to know about latest update from Zhaka.io. Just do it and enjoy.

Want all new updates? Then Wait for the next post.

See you soon.

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